There's no better time to take an hour away from your day of shopping than a well deserved massage! These past couple of months, I've been so lucky to be getting massages from a massage therapist close to where I live. My fiance's grandmother has been with her for years and years and years. Her name is Lisa and she's unbelievable! She has 13 years of experience on this, so she knows what she's doing! I remember the first time I went for a visit was probably the most relaxed I've been for months! It felt so heavenly! So if you have a favorite masseuse, I suggest you make an appointment at some point - perhaps mid-hoilday shopping time before he or she is fully booked.
If you're going to be in town, it's definitely worth making an appointment with Lisa.
Lisa Adrian, L.M.T. - NYS Society of Medical Massage Therapist
100 Weatherridge Drive, Camillus, NY 13031
Call her at her office at 315.622.7060 or e-mail
p.s. she also sells these heats packs, so when you go for a visit, you can grab one from her and you don't need to wait for it to be shipped :)
If you're looking for some at home spa treatment, here are some suggestions:
Natural Handcrafted Skin Care products by Beyond the Picket Fence on Etsy.They have lip balms, facial and hand creams, soaps, salts, etc.
Twisted Lavender - Lavender Palmarosa Bath and Body Oil
Made from the seller's own herb garden! Wonderful! Ooh, and I love the smell of lavender! It also contains Palmarosa, which according to the seller, it "helps calm the nervous system and help in the release of anger."
Working Woman's Hand Cream
Everytime I wash my hands, I reach for a hand cream, especially during the winter. This lotion lasts through hand washings, so maybe I wouldn't have to anymore...hmm...(I want!)
Cat-Shaped Massager from Bath and Body Works
Description from the Bath and Body Works: Simply apply deep-targeted pressure to sore muscles and knots, and feel the tension melt away.
I just really like the color.
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